Tagged: Kneeknacker

2023 Knee Knacker race day volunteers

This is the last set of 2023 Race Day photos. It’s a photo gallery of some of the 215 Knee Knacker volunteers as they: THANK YOU VOLUNTEERS! Check out the volunteer photos in this photo album. A complete list of race day and training run photo albums can be found here....

2023 Race day photos by James Stewart by Indian River Drive

James stealthily positioned himself just above one of the only short climbs in the back end of the race where most runners understandably slowed to a hike. As they crested the climb – and saw the cameraman – they were told to start running again to earn their race photo! ...

Jul 8, 2023 Race day photos by James Stewart at Eagle Bluffs

Eagle Bluffs had a bug rave.  All runners and volunteers were invited.   The bugs insist to be in the photos too.  Fortunately,  James diligently removed all evidence of the bug rave from his photos.   Thank you James! James Stewart’s race day photos from Eagle Bluffs can be found in this...

Jul 8, 2023 – Blackzoo Mountain race day photos

To summit Blackzoo Mountain, the runners had to run through the bug gauntlet.   At the top, runners were greeted by the Blackzoo menagerie providing liquid refreshments.   As the runners descend Blackzoo Mountain, they were directed by more of the herd.  It is reported a few runners bounced off the cow...

2022 Race day photos from base of Grouse Mountain by Herman Kwong

“The Saturday Knee Knacker was a success.  I am so excited to be the volunteer photographer again this year.  After the pandemic event cancellations in the last few years, Saturday was a joy to see KK again.  It is nice to see some familiar faces, meet new members and have great...