Tagged: Indian River Drive

Jul 13, 2024 Indian River Drive race day photos

The first seven runners through Indian River Drive were faster than the drive from Hollyburn Lodge area to Indian River Drive.  😮  Karen Chow’s race day photos near Indian River Drive can be found in this photo album.  Note: The proceeds of all photo purchases are donated to North Shore...

2023 Race day photos by James Stewart by Indian River Drive

James stealthily positioned himself just above one of the only short climbs in the back end of the race where most runners understandably slowed to a hike. As they crested the climb – and saw the cameraman – they were told to start running again to earn their race photo! ...

2016 Volunteers along the Memorial Connector Trail

“A race like this one could simply not be held without the generous participation of so many volunteers: organizers, permit negotiators, course flaggers, course marshals, aid station volunteers, pre-sweeps and sweeps, first aid, and of course photographers!   As runners we are deeply grateful to all of them, and we are...

Race Day Photos around Memorial Connector Trail

Knee Knackerers cruised downhill (with some uphill bumps), some with sore IT bands, trashed quads, cramping calves or sprained ankles, but not all at once. Determination and perseverance was played out in the last 4 kms. Karen Chow’s race day photos around the new Memorial Connector Trail are here.    

May 31 training run photos – Flying through the ferns

The May 31st training run went through the new Memorial Connector Trail section of the Baden Powell Trail, just off Indian River Drive. Spending time there while waiting for the runners made me appreciate the efforts of the trail builders. It was also obvious that the route was well thought...