This month’s photographers

You may have noticed that we’re changing our banner photos every month. Just to keep things fresh, you understand. For February, we’ve dug into the photo archives to select a few from Wolf Eilers, Damien Murphy, and Karen Chow.

Got a story to tell?

With the lottery just weeks away, we’re putting the call out for you to share your thoughts and stories as you go through your Knee Knacker season. If you’ve got a blog, video, podcast, twitter, or whatever, let us know and we’ll put it up in our Community section. Of...

New route maps added

Are you new to the Baden Powell trail? Do you often follow weaving squirrels instead of watching for orange trail markers? Well, to help keep you on the straight and narrow, we’ve added a link to a Cypress Provincial Park map and a map section of Mt. Seymour Provincial Park....

VIMFF Trail Running Night

Adam Campbell, the 2010 Knee Knacker men’s winner, is giving a presentation at the Vancouver International Mountain Film Festival on February 16. For more information on Adam Campbell: An Ultra State of Mind, visit the VIMFF website.

Welcome to 2012, Knee Knacker runners!

Hello, fellow trail runners & welcome to the 24th running of the Knee Knackering North Shore Trail Run! Planning is already underway, and I’m excited to be kicking off another ‘Knee Knacker Season’. I want to start by thanking our committee members (Enzo Federico, Julie Flynn, Rod Hatfull, Patricia Jensen, Tim...

Please excuse the dust

The Knee Knacker website is undergoing renovations. You may find some content shifting about as we rearrange things. We appreciate your patience while we work to make the website easier to use and more informative for you.