Fundraising Tips

Here are some easy tips to get you started with your fundraising:

  • Make it personal. Approach your friends and family in a familiar way.
  • Talk about your goal. Tell your supporters why you’re raising the money and running the Knee Knacker.
  • Ask for a specific amount. Mention the amount you’re hoping each person will donate.
  • Add some Profile Text on your fundraising page. People are naturally drawn to stories and they’ll read what’s there. Make it passionate and motivating!
  • Do you use email? Facebook? Twitter? Happy hours with friends? Then you can fundraise. It’s really as simple as finding a tool makes it comfortable for you to ask.
  • Our online fundraising program allows you to send appeal emails to 10 friends and family at a time. Just login to your personal page and click the “Email Friends & Family” link in the grey box on the right side of the page. However, think about how your family and friends use the internet, and make sure you’re not skipping over some of your less-internet savvy supporters by relying solely on email.
  • Follow up. Keep track of your donations as they come in (and whom you’ve heard from), then follow up with folks over time. If your contact list is made up largely of tech savvy people, email can be a good way to follow up. Send it to everyone on your list. It will keep them reminded of your efforts.
  • Thank your donors! Always send a thank-you reply to every donor, no matter the donation amount. You may also want to send something to people after the run to share with them your experience in completing the Knee Knackering North Shore Trail Run!