RIP David Brown, one of the Original 8!

Today we are saying good-bye to David Brown, who was one of the so-called “Original 8” who made the trek from Horseshoe Bay to Deep Cove in the very first Knee Knackering North Shore Trail Run on June 24, 1989! We are down to 6 of us left standing.
I am personally saddened by the loss of David last weekend, mere weeks before he would’ve turned 81. I am also filled with over 35 years of great memories and inspiration he provided not only to me but hundreds (maybe thousands) of other runners who had the pleasure of making his acquaintance over the years. Earlier today, I met with his regular running/jogging/walking group, the Nomads, in West Vancouver to pay tribute to David and recall many of those wonderful times.
David was the elder statesman in our intrepid group of 8 runners back in 1989. But, you never would’ve known it as he always had a youthful aura about him. Over the many years/decades, one of the most valuable lessons I learned from him was that you are only as old as you let your mind believe you are. Besides running, family and work, David volunteered at seniors homes, and always told me of the “older” people he visited and helped out with. Even when he turned 80 last year, there were “older” people that benefitted from his time.
David also kept physically active, and young, with the Nomads. They have evolved over the decades from a group of fast runners/racers, to more casual joggers/walkers, as most members are in their 70s, 80s, and even some in their 90s. In fact, on the day David passed away he was on his way to join the Nomads for their weekly Saturday morning jog/walk in West Van. Active, and youthful, right to the end!
I would be remiss if I didn’t include some of David’s many achievements as part of the Knee Knacker family. As I mentioned, he was one of our Original 8 in 1989. He then continued to run the next 9 consecutive years to become the first runner to complete 10 races in 1998. He did take a break or 2 over the next decade or so, but in 2010 he was 1 of 3 runners to complete the race 20 times (the other 2 being Neil Wakelin and Ron Adams). He came back 1 last time in 2013 to run his 21st, and final, Knee Knacker with his daughter Olivia who was running it for her first time. Not a bad way to celebrate your 70th birthday! The picture on this post is David and Olivia at the finish line in 2013.
Since 2013, David has stayed involved with the Knee Knacker as a volunteer many of those years and as a spectator in other years. We will most surely miss his kindness, generosity and smiling presence at our race this year. 2013 was also the last time that I ran the Knee Knacker race, and I will dedicate my run this year to David Brown.
RIP David. Until we meet again.
Enzo Federico
P.S. I want to share a couple of (amateurish) videos I shot on race day in 2008:
KK2008 – David Brown & daughter
KK2008 Hollyburn #60 – look for David at the back of this group of 6 (much younger) runners