Photos from 2018 Runners Night

The Panel: Jeff Trigg, Katie Clegg, Curb Ivanic, Nathan Vanderkuip, and Glenn Pacé answered the questions:
– Which section of the Knee Knacker is your favorite and which do you dread?
– How do you training for the Knee Knacker?
– What do you eat on during the race?
– What do you carry on race day?
– What can you do to prevent sprain ankles?
– When was your worst moment during an ultra and what did you do to turn it around?
– and many more…
Their answers were surprising, entertaining and insightful.
In addition, Enzo Federico (co-founder of the KKNSTR) described the evolution of this race as he modelled the 1989 to 1992 race shirts.
Many thanks to Salomon West Vancouver for hosting this event and the fabulous door prizes.
Karen Chow’s photos from this evening can be found in this photo album.
Note: The proceeds of all photo purchase are donated to North Shore Search and Rescue. Each photo is a digital download (without the KKSTR watermark) for $2 CAD.