2022 Finisher Photos from 4hr59m to 7hrs by Salvador Miranda

Salvador Miranda’s finishers’ photos between 4hr59mins to 10 hours can be found in this photo album. For photos with finishing times after 7hrs will be in this post.
The mug shots are a FREE digital download without the KKNSTR watermark. To download your free photo, select your photo. At the left side of your photo, look for the download arrow icon (see image below). A pop-up will appear to save your photo to your workstation.
Note: on a smartphone, the download arrow is on the top right of the photo. The image will appear on your phone without the KKNSTR watermark. The down arrow button position may appear with slight variation depending on your model of smartphone or tablet.
Note: The proceeds of all photo purchase are donated to North Shore Search and Rescue. Each photo is a digital download (without the KKNSTR watermark) for $2CAD.