Tribute to Tim Jones
When I think of Tim, my heart is filled with immense gratitude. Tim’s legacy is already being seen in the outpouring of love and respect from people whose lives he touched with his generosity, skill, leadership and care. On behalf of the Knee Knacker community, our thoughts go out to Tim’s family, his friends and North Shore Rescue.
North Shore Rescue, under Tim’s leadership, has been an integral part of Knee Knacker for over 15 years. Runner safety is our utmost concern and having Tim’s expertise on our organizing committee was a source of pride for us. Every year, Tim and his amazing crew met us at the crack of dawn to begin the exciting journey of getting 200+ runners safely over 30 miles to the finish line. As Race Director, I took great comfort in knowing we were as prepared as we could be, and as a runner, I felt safe throughout the day.
At Knee Knacker 2012, Tim was planning on stopping by the evening banquet to accept our thanks. At 8:03pm, we received a text saying, “Curtis & Bruce on the way… guess where I am” with a photo from within the rescue helicopter with a view of the Lions. Tim had spent the whole day with his team and our race, and didn’t miss a beat when he was called out.
Thank you Tim. We miss you.
Kelsy Trigg,