Really big news
Hello, fellow Knee Knackerers!
We are now days away from the entry deadline and the March 5th lottery is coming quickly. As we are in full swing with our 24th running, I’m really excited to announce that we will be adding a new element to the Knee Knacker that will increase our community impact and legacy.
As a step towards creating a “Knee Knacker Foundation”, this year we will encourage runners to raise money over and above what we already donate to North Shore Search and Rescue. While I hope you’ll be as excited about this possibility as I am, it’s important to note that raising funds is completely optional. We will not require anything different from you if you choose not to participate.
For this year, the charity will continue to be North Shore Search and Rescue, and for our 25th year next year, we will determine if we are raising enough funds to expand this to a charity that supports kids who can’t afford to get into sports (in addition to North Shore Search and Rescue).
In early March, we will let you know how to set up your own personal donation page so your friends and family can support you and our Knee Knacker community even further. We will add a little friendly competition and for the individual who raises the most money between early March and race day, in addition to bragging rights, we will award a GUARANTEED LOTTERY SPOT for 2013!
Yes, really.
This is completely unprecedented, however, we feel so strongly that as a trail running community, we can have a big impact on people’s lives, and not ‘just’ hold a great event, we decided we would put a coveted spot out there. Just think: if each runner raises $300 (an example of a dollar per mile from 10 people), our community would donate $60,000! How cool would that be!?!
What’s next you ask? Over the coming days, we will finalize the logistics of the donation site. It will include the ability to have tax receipts and to track individual progress. Additionally, we will waive the 4-hour volunteer requirement for any runner that raises $100 or more.
We will hold the lottery on March 5th, and as soon as the donation site is up and running, we will let the successful lottery entrants know how to set up their page. If you are a volunteer or non-runner that would also like a donation site, please let me know and we’ll happily set one up for you.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. I hope you’re as excited about this as I am! See you on the trails,
Kelsy Trigg,
Knee Knacker Race Director