Author: Enzo Federico

2013 – A few interesting stats

I believe it is safe to say that course and weather conditions for the 25th running of our race this year were much more favourable than those in 2012. Compare the stats/observations below to those I posted for 2012 – 244 starters is a record, beat­ing pre­vi­ous high of 212...

2013 Results

Overall results with splits for the 2013 race are now available at And, for those who prefer the “old-school” simple text-based reports: Over­all Age Groups Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Finish

More Historical Stats Updated

Another updated historical summary page, comparing race day temperatures over the years to median finishing times: Tem­per­a­tures/times over the years Many thanks to Sean Lavin who started this analysis a few years ago, and to Pat Malaviarachchi for bringing it up to date!

Updates for Historical Stats

With less than a week to go, all the his­tor­i­cal stats pages have been updated. The links below will lead you to pages with charts, sum­maries and detailed results for the Knee Knacker from it’s incep­tion in 1989, up to and includ­ing the 2012 race. All-Time Fin­ish­ers List All-Time Female Fin­ish­ers List All-Time PR...

A few interesting stats

In case you needed convincing/reminding that the 2012 edition of the Knee Knacker was indeed a challenge, here are some stats/observations to substantiate that claim: 212 starters is a record, beating previous high of 209 in 2007 189 finishers 89.2% finish rate is 2nd lowest ever; lowest is 86.4% in...