Category: Results-Stats

2013 Results

Overall results with splits for the 2013 race are now available at And, for those who prefer the “old-school” simple text-based reports: Over­all Age Groups Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Finish

More Historical Stats Updated

Another updated historical summary page, comparing race day temperatures over the years to median finishing times: Tem­per­a­tures/times over the years Many thanks to Sean Lavin who started this analysis a few years ago, and to Pat Malaviarachchi for bringing it up to date!

Updates for Historical Stats

With less than a week to go, all the his­tor­i­cal stats pages have been updated. The links below will lead you to pages with charts, sum­maries and detailed results for the Knee Knacker from it’s incep­tion in 1989, up to and includ­ing the 2012 race. All-Time Fin­ish­ers List All-Time Female Fin­ish­ers List All-Time PR...

A few interesting stats

In case you needed convincing/reminding that the 2012 edition of the Knee Knacker was indeed a challenge, here are some stats/observations to substantiate that claim: 212 starters is a record, beating previous high of 209 in 2007 189 finishers 89.2% finish rate is 2nd lowest ever; lowest is 86.4% in...

Stats, stats, and more stats

Baseball is all about numbers. Sometimes that’s the same for running. In that vein, Enzo, our statistician-in-residence, has updated the historical race statistics on our summary statistics page. The first seven statistics on the summary page now includes the results from last year’s race. Take a look and start some...